Publications of Nicole Paczia

Journal Article (59)

Journal Article
Marchal, D. G.; Schulz, L.; Schuster, I.; Ivanovska, J.; Paczia, N.; Prinz, S.; Zarzycki, J.; Erb, T. J.: Machine learning-supported enzyme engineering toward improved CO2-fixation of Glycolyl-CoA carboxylase. ACS Synthetic Biology 12 (12), pp. 3521 - 3530 (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, S. H.; Chou, A.; Nattermann, M.; Zhu, F.; Clomburg, J. M.; Paczia, N.; Erb, T. J.; Gonzalez, R.: Identification of 2-Hydroxyacyl-CoA synthases with high acyloin condensation activity for orthogonal one-carbon bioconversion. ACS Catalysis 13 (18), pp. 12007 - 12020 (2023)
Journal Article
Kremer, K.; Meier, D.; Theis, L.; Miller, S.; Rost-Nasshan, A.; Naing, Y. T.; Zarzycki, J.; Paczia, N.; Serrania, J.; Blumenkamp, P. et al.; Goesmann, A.; Becker, A.; Thanbichler, M.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Carter, M. S.; Erb, T. J.: Functional degeneracy in Paracoccus denitrificans Pd1222 is coordinated via RamB, which links expression of the Glyoxylate cycle to activity of the Ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (7), e0023823 (2023)
Journal Article
McLean, R.; Schwander, T.; Diehl, C.; Cortina, N. S.; Paczia, N.; Zarzycki, J.; Erb, T. J.: Exploring alternative pathways for the in vitro establishment of the HOPAC cycle for synthetic CO2 fixation. Science Advances 9 (24), eadh4299 (2023)
Journal Article
Guo, K.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Liesack, W.: Asparagine uptake: a cellular strategy of Methylocystis to combat severe salt stress. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (6), e0011323 (2023)
Journal Article
Schada v. Borzyskowsi, L.; Schulz-Mirbach, H.; Troncoso Castellanos, M.; Severi, F.; Gomez Coronado, P. A.; Paczia, N.; Glatter, T.; Bar-Even, A.; Lindner, S. N.; Erb, T. J.: Implementation of the β-hydroxyaspartate cycle increases growth performance of Pseudomonas putida on the PET monomer ethylene glycol. Metabolic Engineering 76, pp. 97 - 109 (2023)
Journal Article
Diehl, C.; Gerlinger, P.; Paczia, N.; Erb, T. J.: Synthetic anaplerotic modules for the direct synthesis of complex molecules from CO2. Nature Chemical Biology 19 (2), pp. 168 - 175 (2023)
Journal Article
Jeckel, H.; Nosho, K.; Neuhaus, K.; Hastewell, A. D.; Skinner, D. J.; Saha, D.; Netter, N.; Paczia, N.; Dunkel, J.; Drescher, K.: Simultaneous spatiotemporal transcriptomics and microscopy of Bacillus subtilis swarm development reveal cooperation across generations. Nature Microbiology 8 (12), pp. 2378 - 2391 (2023)
Journal Article
Kaprou, G. D.; Andar, A.; Shah, P.; Linster, C. L.; Paczia, N.: Novel design for a microfluidic-based platform for yeast replicative lifespan (RLS) analysis. Micro and Nano Engineering, 100199 (2023)
Journal Article
Klabunde, B.; Wesener, A.; Bertrams, W.; Beinborn, I.; Paczia, N.; Surmann, K.; Blankenburg, S.; Wilhelm, J.; Serrania, J.; Knoops, K. et al.; Elsayed, E. M.; Laakmann, K.; Jung, A. L.; Kirschbaum, A.; Hammerschmidt, S.; Alshaar, B.; Gisch, N.; Abu Mraheil, M.; Becker, A.; Völker, U.; Vollmeister, E.; Benedikter, B. J.; Schmeck, B.: NAD+ metabolism is a key modulator of bacterial respiratory epithelial infections. Nature Communications 14 (1), 5818 (2023)
Journal Article
Luo, S.; Adam, D.; Giaveri, S.; Barthel, S.; Cestellos-Blanco, S.; Hege, D.; Paczia, N.; Castañeda-Losada, L.; Klose, M.; Arndt, F. et al.; Heider, J.; Erb, T. J.: ATP production from electricity with a new-to-nature electrobiological module. Joule 7 (8), pp. 1745 - 1758 (2023)
Journal Article
Luo, S.; Diehl, C.; He, H.; Bae, Y.; Klose, M.; Claus, P.; Cortina, N. S.; Fernandez, C. A.; Schulz-Mirbach, H. A. M.; McLean, R. et al.; Ramírez Rojas, A. A.; Schindler, D.; Paczia, N.; Erb, T. J.: Construction and modular implementation of the THETA cycle for synthetic CO2 fixation. Nature Catalysis 6 (12), pp. 1228 - 1240 (2023)
Journal Article
Arriaza-Gallardo, F. J.; Schaupp, S.; Zheng, Y.-C.; Abdul-Halim, M. F.; Hui-Jie, P.; Kahnt, J.; Angelidou, G.; Paczia, N.; Hu, X.; Costa, K. et al.; Shima, S.: The function of two radical-SAM enzymes, HcgA and HcgG, in the biosynthesis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase cofactor. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 61 (50), e202213239 (2022)
Journal Article
Shi, Y.-M.; Crames, J. J.; Czech, L.; Bozhüyük, K. A. J.; Shi, Y.-N.; Hirschmann, M.; Lamberth, S.; Claus, P.; Paczia, N.; Ruckert, C. et al.; Kalinowski, J.; Bange, G.; Bode, H. B.: Genome mining enabled by biosynthetic characterization uncovers a class of benzoxazolinate-containing natural products in diverse bacteria. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 61 (51), e202206106 (2022)
Journal Article
Guo, K.; Hakobyan, A.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Liesack, W.: Methylocystis sp. strain SC2 acclimatizes to increasing NH4+ levels by a precise rebalancing of enzymes and osmolyte composition. mSystems 7 (5), e0040322 (2022)
Journal Article
Pandi, A.; Diehl, C.; Yazdizadeh Kharrazi, A.; Scholz, S. A.; Bobkova, E.; Faure, L.; Nattermann, M.; Adam, D.; Chapin, N.; Foroughijabbari, Y. et al.; Moritz, C.; Paczia, N.; Cortina, N. S.; Faulon, J. L.; Erb, T. J.: A versatile active learning workflow for optimization of genetic and metabolic networks. Nature Communications 13 (1), 3876 (2022)
Journal Article
Danileviciute, E.; Zeng, N.; Capelle, C. M.; Paczia, N.; Gillespie, M. A.; Kurniawan, H.; Benzarti, M.; Merz, M. P.; Coowar, D.; Fritah, S. et al.; Weisenhorn, V.; Maria, D.; Gomez Giro, G.; Grusdat, M.; Baron, A.; Guerin, C.; Franchina, D. G.; Léonard, C.; Domingues, O.; Delhalle, S.; Wurst, W.; Turner, J. D.; Schwamborn, J. C.; Meiser, J.; Krüger, R.; Ranish, J.; Brenner, D.; Linster, C. L.; Balling, R.; Ollert, M.; Hefeng, F. Q.: PARK7/DJ-1 promotes pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and maintains Treg homeostasis during ageing. Nature Metabolism 4 (5), pp. 589 - 607 (2022)
Journal Article
Schaupp, S.; Arriaza Gallardo, F. J.; Pan, H. J.; Kahnt, J.; Angelidou, G.; Paczia, N.; Costa, K.; Hu, X.; Shima, S.: In vitro biosynthesis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase cofactor verifies the proposed biosynthetic precursors. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 61 (22), e202200994 (2022)
Journal Article
Nattermann, M.; Burgener, S.; Pfister, P.; Chou, A.; Schulz, L.; Lee, S. H.; Paczia, N.; Zarzycki, J.; Gonzalez, R.; Erb, T. J.: Engineering a highly efficient carboligase for synthetic one-carbon metabolism. ACS Catalysis 11 (9), pp. 5396 - 5404 (2021)
Journal Article
Castaneda-Losada, L.; Adam, D.; Paczia, N.; Buesen, D.; Steffler, F.; Sieber, V.; Erb, T. J.; Richter, M.; Plumere, N.: Bioelectrocatalytic cofactor regeneration coupled to CO2 fixation in a redox-active hydrogel for stereoselective C-C bond formation. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 60 (38), pp. 21056 - 21061 (2021)
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