Our training program
Training of PhD students at the IMPRS-µLife follows a 3-year study program, which allows them to acquire the necessary scientific knowledge as well as transferable and leadership skills. To achieve these goals, our program consists of three individual parts: (1) A cutting-edge research project developed independently by the candidate, (2) a structured PhD curriculum, and (3) mentoring and supervision activities.
The major part of the program involves scientific research on a individual project. In the course of their PhD projects, PhD candidates are trained in-depth in their research area. The project is carried out independently, under the supervision of an IMPRS-µLife faculty member and with additional input from the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC).
The structured curriculum is designed to provide a high-quality research-focused training for PhD candidates who will pursue very different career paths in the future. With most of the research skills directly obtained in the individual research projects, the activities of the curriculum allow the young researchers to acquire additional skills required to further pursue a chosen career.
In addition to the structured training program, IMPRS-µLife PhD candidates are provided with individual supervision through their TAC based on an annual progress report and meeting. PhD candidates can engage in mentoring/teaching of other students.