Arriving to Marburg
Here, we provide some basic information on arrival and life in Marburg.
Information on whether candidates will require a visa for working in Germany can be acquired through the page on Visa regulations (Federal Foreign Office).
If you need a visa, your next step is to contact the nearest German mission abroad, at which point they will provide a list of documents that need to be presented and schedule an appointment. You will find the addresses of the relevant German missions and further information at the Federal Foreign Office website. In some German missions abroad, scheduling appointments and documents submission are done via an online platform.
The Human Resources department will provide most of the documents needed for the visa application. Commonly, a short-stay visa of 90 or 180 days will be approved for the initial part of your stay in Germany. Please contact the IMPRS Coordination Office in case you have any further questions about the visa application process.
Documents to bring with you to Marburg
When coming to start your PhD project in Marburg, please do not forget to bring:
- A valid passport (ID card for citizens of EU member states)
- Degree certificates and transcripts of records from your Bachelor and Master (originals and translations)
- Vaccination record and any other relevant medical records
- If you are travelling with your spouse, you need to bring your marriage certificate and any other related legalization documents
- If you will travel with your children, please make sure to bring their birth certificates.
Costs of living
The costs of living (including accommodation in a student dormitory) in Marburg range from 800 to 1000 Euros per month for a single person. A lunch at the canteen amounts to 5-6 Euros.
Single rooms are available in student dormitories administered by the Studierendenwerk Marburg (monthly rent ranging from 200-300 Euros). The Coordination Office will upon request assist you in reserving a room. Off-campus housing (mostly private) is usually more expensive, but offers a wide range of options.
Quality of living in Marburg
Our picturesque university town is also a lovely city to study and live, with the possibility to explore the world. Located in the forest-rich federal state of Hessen, Marburg offers countless possibilities for activities. Its location near the Frankfurt metropolitan area, which has Germany's biggest airport, makes it convenient for traveling.
Community & social life
The IMPRS also includes social activities, one of them being a biennial retreat. Our PhD student representatives are regularly organizing social events, such as a monthly meet-up (Stammtisch), where you can meet your colleagues. The MPI hosts a summer fest and a great Christmas party!
For all new PhD students, we organize a Welcome week in October, at the beginning of the semester. During this week, new students meet their peers, get to know the campus Lahnberge, and acquire some important skills.
Interested to find out more about means of support during your arrival and about our community? Check out the following pages as well: