Publications of R. Wahl

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Voll, L. M.; Horst, R. J.; Voitsik, A. M.; Zajic, D.; Samans, B.; Pons-Kühnemann, J.; Doehlemann, G.; Münch, S.; Wahl, R.; Molitor, A. et al.; Hofmann, J.; Schmiedl, A.; Waller, F.; Deising, H. B.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.; Kogel, H. K.; Sonnewald, U.: Common motifs in the response of cereal primary metabolism to fungal pathogens are not based on similar transcriptional reprogramming. Frontiers in Plant Physiology 2, p. doi 10.3389 - doi 10.3389 (2011)
Journal Article
Horst, R. J.; Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Hofmann, J.; Schmiedl, A.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Voll, L. M.: Ustilago maydis Infection Strongly Alters Organic Nitrogen Allocation in Maize and Stimulates Productivity of Systemic Source Leaves. Plant Physiology 152 (1), pp. 293 - 308 (2010)
Journal Article
Horst, R. J.; Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Hofmann, J.; Schmiedl, A.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.; Voll, L. M.: A model of Ustilag maydis leaf tumor metabolism. Plant Signalling & Behavior 5 (11), pp. 1446 - 1449 (2010)
Journal Article
Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Horst, R. J.; Voll, L. M.; Usadel, B.; Poree, F.; Stitt, M.; Pons-Kühnemann, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Kahmann, R. et al.; Kämper, J.: Reprogramming a maize plant: transcriptional and metabolic changes induced by the fungal biotroph Ustilago maydis. The Plant Journal 56 (2), pp. 181 - 195 (2008)
Journal Article
Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Vranes, M.; de Vries, R. P.; Kaemper, J.; Kahmann, R.: Establishment of compatibility in the Ustilago maydis/maize pathosystem. Journal of Plant Physiology 165, pp. 29 - 40 (2008)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Wahl, R.: Biotrophic Development of Ustilago maydis and the Response of Its Host Plant Maize. Dissertation, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2009)
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