Publications of Jan Schirawski

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Zhao, Y.; Agrawal, N.; Ghareeb, H.; Habib, M. T.; Dickmeis, S.; Schwachtje, J.; Iven, T. E.; Kopka, J.; Feussner, I.; Schirawski, J.: The Sporisorium reilianum effector Vag2 promotes head smut disease via suppression of plant defense responses. Journal of Fungi 8 (5), 498 (2022)
Journal Article
Dutheil, J.Y.; Mannhaupt, G.; Schweizer, G.; Sieber, C.M.K.; Münsterkotter, M.; Güldener, U.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.: A Tale of Genome Compartmentalization: The Evolution of Virulence Clusters in Smut Fungi. Genome Biology and Evolution 8 (3), pp. 681 - 704 (2016)
Journal Article
Laurie, J. D.; Ali, S.; Linning, R.; Mannhaupt, G.; Wong, P.; Guldener, U.; Munsterkotter, M.; Moore, R.; Kahmann, R.; Bakkeren, G. et al.; Schirawski, J.: Genome Comparison of Barley and Maize Smut Fungi Reveals Targeted Loss of RNA Silencing Components and Species-Specific Presence of Transposable Elements. Plant Cell 24 (5), pp. 1733 - 1745 (2012)
Journal Article
Schirawski, J.; Mannhaupt, G.; Münch, K.; Brefort, T.; Schipper, K.; Doehlemann, G.; Di Stasio, M.; Rossel, N.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Pester, D. et al.; Muller, O.; Winterberg, B.; Meyer, E.; Ghareeb, H.; Wollenberg, T.; Munsterkotter, M.; Wong, P.; Walter, M.; Stukenbrock, E.; Guldener, U.; Kahmann, R.: Pathogenicity Determinants in Smut Fungi Revealed by Genome Comparison. Science 330 (6010), pp. 1546 - 1548 (2010)
Journal Article
Winterberg, B.; Uhlmann, S.; Linne, U.; Lessing, F.; Marahiel, M. A.; Eichhorn, H.; Kahmann, R.; Schirawski, J.: Elucidation of the complete ferrichrome A biosynthetic pathway in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 75 (5), pp. 1260 - 1271 (2010)
Journal Article
Reineke, G.; Heinze, B.; Schirawski, J.; Buettner, H.; Kahmann, R.; Basse, C. W.: Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis and its relevance for increased IAA levels in infected tissue and host tumour formation. Molecular Plant Pathology 9 (3), pp. 339 - 355 (2008)
Journal Article
Eichhorn, H.; Lessing, F.; Winterberg, B.; Schirawski, J.; Kaemper, J.; Mueller, P.; Kahmann, R.: A Ferroxidation/Permeation Iron Uptake System Is Required for Virulence in Ustilago maydis. The Plant Cell 18, pp. 3332 - 3345 (2006)
Journal Article
Kaemper, J.; Kahmann, R.; Boelker, M.; Ma, L.-J.; Brefort, T.; Saville, B. J.; Banuett, F.; Kronstad, J. W.; Gold, S. E.; Perlin, M. H. et al.; Woesten, H. A. B.; de Vries, R.; Ruiz-Herrera, J.; Reynaga-Pena, C. G.; Snetselaar, K.; McCann, M.; Pérez-Martín, J.; Feldbruegge, M.; Basse, C. W.; Steinberg, G.; Ibeas, J. I.; Holloman, W.; Guzman, P.; Farman, M.; Stajich, J. E.; Sentandreu, R.; González-Prieto, J. M.; Kennell, J. C.; Molina, L.; Schirawski, J.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Greilinger, D.; Muench, K.; Roessel, N.; Scherer, M.; Vranes, M.; Ladendorf, O.; Vincon, V.; Fuchs, U.; Sandrock, B.; Meng, S.; Ho, E. C. H.; Cahill, M. J.; Boyce, K. J.; Klose, J.; Klosterman, S. J.; Deelstra, H. J.; Ortiz-Castellanos, L.; Li, W.; Sanchez-Alonso, P.; Schreier, P. H.; Haeuser-Hahn, I.; Vaupel, M.; Koopmann, E.; Friedrich, G.; Voss, H.; Schlueter, T.; Margolis, J.; Platt, D.; Swimmer, C.; Gnirke, A.; Chen, F.; Vysotskaia, V.; Mannhaupt, G.; Gueldener, U.; Muensterkoetter, M.; Haase, D.; Oesterheld, M.; Mewes, H.-W.; Mauceli, E. W.; DeCaprio, D.; Wade, C. M.; Butler, J.; Young, S.; Jaffe, D. B.; Calvo, S.; Nusbaum, C.; Galagan, J.; Birren, B. W.: Insights from the genome of the biotrophic fungal plant pathogen Ustilago maydis. Nature 444, pp. 97 - 101 (2006)
Journal Article
Schirawski, J.; Boehnert, H.; Steinberg, G.; Snetselaar, K.; Adamikova, L.; Kahmann, R.: Endoplasmic Reticulum Glucosidase II Is Required for Pathogenicity of Ustilago maydis. The Plant Cell 17, pp. 3532 - 3543 (2005)
Journal Article
Schirawski, J.; Heinze, B.; Wagenknecht, M.; Kahmann, R.: Mating type loci of Sporisorium reilianum: novel pattern with three a and multiple b specificities. Eukaryotic Cell 4, pp. 1317 - 1327 (2005)
Journal Article
Brachmann, A.; Schirawski, J.; Mueller, P.; Kahmann, R.: An unusual MAP kinase is required for efficient penetration of the plant surface by Ustilago maydis. The EMBO Journal 22 (9), pp. 2199 - 2210 (2003)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Schirawski, J.; Brefort, T.; Molina, L.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Müller, O.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis: New insights into the early infection phase. In: Biology of Plant-Micriobe Interactions - Vol. 5, pp. 559 - 564. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul (2006)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Schipper, K.; Döhlemann, G.; Brefort, T.; Djamei, A.; Liang, L.; Khrunyk, Y.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.: The effectors of smut fungi. In: Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 7 (Eds. Antoun, H.; et al.). 2009 IS-MPMI Symposium Proceedings (2009)
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