Publications of Konstantin Neuhaus

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Yordanov, S.; Neuhaus, K.; Hartmann, R.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Vidakovic, L.; Singh, P. K.; Drescher, K.: Single-objective high-resolution confocal light sheet fluorescence microscopy for standard biological sample geometries. Biomedical Optics Express 12 (6), pp. 3372 - 3391 (2021)
Journal Article
Diaz-Pascual, F.; Lempp, M.; Nosho, K.; Jeckel, H.; Jo, J. K.; Neuhaus, K.; Hartmann, R.; Jelli, E.; Hansen, M. F.; Price-Whelan, A. et al.; Dietrich, L. E.; Link, H.; Drescher, K.: Spatial alanine metabolism determines local growth dynamics of Escherichia coli colonies. eLife, 10:e70794 (2021)

Preprint (1)

Singh, P. K.; Rode, D. K.H.; Buffard, P.; Nosho, K.; Bayer, M.; Jeckel, H.; Jelli, E.; Neuhaus, K.; Jiménez-Siebert, E.; Peschek, N. et al.; Glatter, T.; Papenfort, K.; Drescher, K.: Vibrio cholerae biofilm dispersal regulator causes cell release from matrix through type IV pilus retraction. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2021.05.02.442311 (2021)
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