Publications of A. Moll

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Zielinska, A.; Billini, M.; Moll, A.; Kremer, K.; Briegel, A.; Martinez, A.; Jensen, G.; Thanbichler, M.: LytM factors affect the recruitment of autolysins to the cell division site in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular Microbiology 106 (3), pp. 419 - 438 (2017)
Journal Article
Jung, A.; Eisheuer, S.; Cserti, E.; Leicht, O.; Strobel, W.; Moll, A.; Schlimpert, S.; Kühn, J.; Thanbichler, M.: Molecular Toolbox for Genetic Manipulation of the Stalked Budding Bacterium Hyphomonas neptunium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (2), pp. 736 - 744 (2015)
Journal Article
Strobel, W.; Moll, A.; Kiekebusch, D.; Klein, K.; Thanbichler, M.: Function and Localization Dynamics of Bifunctional Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Caulobacter crescentus. Journal of Bacteriology 196 (8), pp. 1627 - 1639 (2014)
Journal Article
Moll, A.; Schlimpert, S.; Briegel, A.; Jensen, G. J.; Thanbichler, M.: DipM, a new factor required for peptidoglycan remodelling during cell division in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular Microbiology 77 (1), pp. 90 - 107 (2010)
Journal Article
Möll, A.; Thanbichler, M.: FtsN-like proteins are conserved components of the cell division machinery in proteobacteria. Molecular Microbiology 72 (4), pp. 1037 - 1044 (2009)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Möll, A.: Anatomy of the divisome during the late stages of cell division in the asymmetric α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Dissertation, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg (2011)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Möll, A.: Auf den Spuren von FtsN - Studie eines Zellteilungsproteins in Caulobacter crescentus. Diploma, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg (2008)
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