Publications of R Kahmann

Journal Article (82)

Journal Article
Romeis, T.; Brachmann, A.; Kahmann, R.; Kamper, J.: Identification of a target gene for the bE-bW homeodomain protein complex in Ustilago maydis. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 37 (1), pp. 54 - 66 (2000)
Journal Article
Wedlich-Soldner, R.; Bolker, M.; Kahmann, R.; Steinberg, G.: A putative endosomal t-SNARE links exo- and endocytosis in the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis. EMBO JOURNAL 19 (9), pp. 1974 - 1986 (2000)

Magazine Article (1)

Magazine Article
Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.: Der Maisbeulenbrand: Ein Modell für phytopathogene Pilze. (2004)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Schirawski, J.; Brefort, T.; Molina, L.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Müller, O.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis: New insights into the early infection phase. In: Biology of Plant-Micriobe Interactions - Vol. 5, pp. 559 - 564. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul (2006)
Book Chapter
Kahmann, R.; Steinberg, G.; Basse , C.; Feldbrügge, M.; Kämper, J.: Ustilago maydis, the causative agent of corn smut disease. In: Fungal Pathology, pp. 347 - 371 (Ed. Kronstad, J. W.). Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht (2000)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Schipper, K.; Döhlemann, G.; Brefort, T.; Djamei, A.; Liang, L.; Khrunyk, Y.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.: The effectors of smut fungi. In: Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 7 (Eds. Antoun, H.; et al.). 2009 IS-MPMI Symposium Proceedings (2009)
Conference Paper
Basse, C.; Muller, P.; Kruger, J.; Aichinger, C.; Hansson, K.; Brachmann, A.; Katzenberger, J.; Loubradou, G.; Leibbrandt, A.; Torreblanca, J. et al.; Feldbrugge, M.; Kahmann, R.: Communication between Ustilago maydis and its host plant maize. In: BIOLOGY OF PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS, VOL 2, pp. 384 - 389. 9th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, July 25, 1999 - July 30, 1999. (2000)

Commentary (1)

VAAM-Ehrenmitglied Anita Hoffmann mit 95 Jahren gestorben. (2022)

Review Article (7)

Review Article
Case, N. T.; Gurr, S. J.; Fisher, M. C.; Blehert, D. S.; Boone, C.; Casadevall, A.; Chowdhary, A.; Cuomo, C. A.; Currie, C. R.; Denning, D. W. et al.; Ene, I. V.; Fritz-Laylin, L. K.; Gerstein, A. C.; Gow, N. A. R.; Gusa, A.; Iliev, I. D.; James, T. Y.; Jin, H.; Kahmann, R.; Klein, B. S.; Kronstad, J. W.; Ost, K. S.; Peay, K. G.; Shapiro, R. S.; Sheppard, D. C.; Shlezinger, N.; Stajich, J. E.; Stukenbrock, E. H.; Taylor, J. W.; Wright, G. D.; Cowen, L. E.; Heitman, J.; Segre, J. A.: Fungal impacts on Earth’s ecosystems. Nature 638 (8049), pp. 49 - 57 (2025)
Review Article
Kahmann, R.: My personal journey from the fascination for phages to a tumor-inducing fungal pathogen of corn. Annual Review of Microbiology 76 (1), pp. 1 - 19 (2022)
Review Article
Brefort, T.; Doehlemann, G.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Reissmann, S.; Djamei, A.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis as a Pathogen. Annual Review of Phythopathology 47, pp. 423 - 445 (2009)
Review Article
Rispail, N.; Soanes, D. M.; Ant, C.; Czajkowski, R.; Grünler, A.; Huguet, R.; Perez-Nadales, E.; Poli, A.; Sartorel, E.; Valiante, V. et al.; Yang, M.; Beffa, R.; Brakhage, A. A.; Gow, N. A.R.; Kahmann, R.; Lebrun, M.-H.; Lenasi, H.; Perez-Martin, J.; Talbot, N. J.; Wendland, J.; Di Pietro, A.: Comparative genomics of MAP kinase and calcium–calcineurin signalling components in plant and human pathogenic fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 46, pp. 287 - 298 (2009)
Review Article
Mueller, O.; Kahmann, R.; Aguilar, G.; Trejo-Aguilar, B.; Wu, A.; de Vries, R. P.: The secretome of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis. Fungal Genetics and Biology 45, Supplement 1, pp. S63 - S70 (2008)
Review Article
Feldbrügge, M.; Kämper, J.; Steinberg, G.; Kahmann, R.: Regulation of mating and pathogenic development in Ustilago maydis. Current Opinion in Microbiology 6, pp. 666 - 672 (2004)
Review Article
Kahmann, R.; Basse, C.: Fungal gene expression during pathogenesis-related development and host plant colonization. Current Opinion in Microbiology 4, pp. 374 - 380 (2001)
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