Publications of Marino Moretti

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Ludwig, N.; Reissmann, S.; Schipper, K.; Gonzalez, C.; Assmann, D.; Glatter, T.; Moretti, M.; Ma, L.-S.; Rexer, K.-H.; Snetselaar, K. et al.; Kahmann, R.: A cell surface-exposed protein complex with an essential virulence function in Ustilago maydis. Nature Microbiology 6, pp. 722 - 730 (2021)
Journal Article
Moretti, M.; Wang, L.; Grognet, P.; Lanver, D.; Link, H.; Kahmann, R.: Three regulators of G protein signaling differentially affect mating, morphology and virulence in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 105 (6), pp. 901 - 921 (2017)
Journal Article
Perez-Nadales, E.; Nogueira, M.; Baldin, C.; Castanheira, S.; El Ghalid, M.; Grund, E.; Lengeler, K.; Marchegiani, E.; Mehrotra, P.; Moretti, M. et al.; Naik, V.; Oses-Ruiz, M.; Oskarsson, T.; Schafer, K.; Wasserstrom, L.; Brakhage, A.; Gow, N.; Kahmann, R.; Lebrun, M.; Perez-Martin, J.; Di Pietro, A.; Talbot, N.; Toquin, V.; Walther, A.; Wendland, J.: Fungal model systems and the elucidation of pathogenicity determinants. Fungal Genetics and Biology 70, pp. 42 - 67 (2014)
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