Publications of G. J. Mander

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Mander, G. J.; Pierik, A. J.; Huber, H.; Hedderich, R.: Two distinct heterodisulfide reductase-like enzymes in the sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus profundus. European Journal of Biochemistry 271 (6), pp. 1106 - 1116 (2004)
Journal Article
Mander, G. J.; Pierik, A. J.; Huber, H.; Hedderich, R.: Two distinct heterodisulfide reductase-like enzymes in the sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus profundus. European Journal of Biochemistry 271 (6), pp. 1106 - 1116 (2004)
Journal Article
Mander, G. J.; Duin, E. C.; Linder, D.; Stetter, K. O.; Hedderich, R.: Purification and characterization of a membrane-bound enzyme complex from the sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus related to heterodisulfide reductase from methanogenic archaea. European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (7), pp. 1895 - 1904 (2002)
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