Publications of Victor Sourjik

Journal Article (30)

Journal Article
Hartmann, R.; Jeckel, H.; Jelli, E.; Singh, P. K.; Vaidya, S.; Bayer, M.; Rode, D. K. H.; Vidakovic, L.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Fong, J. C. N. et al.; Drago, A.; Lamprecht, O.; Thoeming, J. G.; Netter, N.; Haussler, S.; Nadell, C. D.; Sourjik, V.; Kovacs, A. T.; Yildiz, F. H.; Drescher, K.: Quantitative image analysis of microbial communities with BiofilmQ. Nature Microbiology 6 (2), pp. 151 - 156 (2021)
Journal Article
Laganenka, L.; Esteban-Lopez, M.; Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Flagellum-mediated mechanosensing and RflP control motility state of pathogenic Escherichia coli. mBio 11 (2), e02269-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Colin, R.; Drescher, K.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotactic behaviour of Escherichia coli at high cell density. Nature Communications 10, 5329 (2019)
Journal Article
Huertgen, D.; Haertel, T.; Murray, S. M.; Sourjik, V.; Schwille, P.: Functional Modules of Minimal Cell Division for Synthetic Biology. SI 3 (6), 1800315 (2019)
Journal Article
Laganenka, L.; Sander, T.; Lagonenko, A.; Chen, Y.; Link, H.; Sourjik, V.: Quorum sensing and metabolic state of the host control lysogeny-lysis switch of bacteriophage T1. mBio 10 (5), e01884-19 (2019)
Journal Article
Laganenka, L.; Sourjik, V.: Autoinducer 2-Dependent Escherichia coli Biofilm Formation Is Enhanced in a Dual-Species Coculture. Appl Environ Microbiol 84 (5) (2017)
Journal Article
Colin, R.; Rosazza, C.; Vaknin, A.; Sourjik, V.: Multiple sources of slow activity fluctuations in a bacterial chemosensory network. eLife, 6:e26796 (2017)
Journal Article
Laganenka, L.; Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotaxis towards autoinducer 2 mediates autoaggregation in Escherichia coli. Nature Communications 7, 12984 (2016)
Journal Article
Gryaznova, Y.; Caydasi, A.K.; Malengo, G.; Sourjik, V.; Pereira, G.: A FRET-based study reveals site-specific regulation of spindle position checkpoint proteins at yeast centrosomes. eLife 5, e14029 (2016)
Journal Article
Wille, T.; Wagner, C.; Mittelstadt, W.; Blank, K.; Sommer, E.; Malengo, G.; Dohler, D.; Lange, A.; Sourjik, V.; Hensel, M. et al.; Gerlach, R. G.: SiiA and SiiB are novel type I secretion system subunits controlling SPI4-mediated adhesion of Salmonella enterica. Cell Microbiol 16 (2), pp. 161 - 78 (2013)

Other (1)

Laganenka, L.; Sourjik, V.: Reply to jobling, "Lysogeny of Escherichia coli by the obligately lytic bacteriophage T1: Not Proven", mBio 12, (2021)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Emergent properties of bacterial chemotaxis pathway. CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY 39, pp. 24 - 33 (2017)

Preprint (10)

Segura Munoz, R. R.; Sourjik, V.: Collective dynamics of Escherichia coli growth under near-lethal acid stress. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.10.17.618973 (2024)
Wang, L.; Malengo, G.; Sanches Medeiros, A.; Chen, X.; Teteneva, N.; Sierra González, S.; Hammond, M.; Sourjik, V.: A toolbox of FRET-based c-di-GMP biosensors and its FRET-To-Sort application for genome-wide mapping of the second messenger regulatory network. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.08.21.609041 (2024)
Pérez-López, M. I.; Lubrano, P.; Angelidou, G.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Link, H.; Sourjik, V.: The SPFH complex HflK-HflC regulates aerobic respiration in bacteria. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.04.21.590321 (2024)
Lisevich, I. M.; Colin, R.; Yang, H. Y.; Ni, B.; Sourjik, V.: Physics and physiology determine strategies of bacterial investment in flagellar motility. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.30.587422 (2024)
Scarinci, G.; Ariens, J.-L.; Angelidou, G.; Schmidt, S.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Sourjik, V.: Enhanced metabolic entanglement emerges during the evolution of an interkingdom microbial community. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.30.587424 (2024)
Kargeti, M.; Kalita, I.; Hoch, S.; Ratnikava, M.; Xu, W.; Ni, B.; Dy, R. L.; Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Experimental evolution of a reduced bacterial chemotaxis network. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.14.584839 (2024)
Xu, W.; Cerna-Vargas, J. P.; Tajuelo, A.; Lozano Montoya, A.; Kivoloka, M.; Krink, N.; Monteagudo-Cascales, E.; Matilla, M. A.; Krell, T.; Sourjik, V.: Systematic mapping of chemoreceptor specificities for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2023.04.04.535651 (2023)
Bellotto, N.; Agudo-Canalejo, J.; Colin, R.; Golestanian, R.; Malengo, G.; Sourjik, V.: Dependence of diffusion in Escherichia coli cytoplasm on protein size, environmental conditions and cell growth. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2022.02.17.480843 (2022)
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